Roomy comes on Board, Ambulance is kidnapped, ship hits the water and the 1st crew outing!
9th April 2006
9th April 2006
Bienvenidos Pru Martin...All the way from Southern new roomy for the next 6 months (poor girl!!)
Luckily I've landed an exact carbon copy of myself but with an Australian twang...
I think we should be feeling sorry for the crew, there are now officially 2 nerdalinas on board!!!
So these past 2 weeks, I've received scary images of my ambulance being towed to an unknown place in Southern France...

I've had the joy of witnessing our 1st entry to water

I give you Roberto Cavalli's boat

There has also been a hint of a clue as to what the beginnings of the 2006 crew for Blue Ice will be like!!
(Left to Right) Our capitan Renzo, 1st mate Daniele and Fillippo deckie

And our other favourite, the man on the inside, Simone.... the on board Chef!!!!!

the inevitable 1st crew outing!!!
which began with Pru's Expresso Martini's

But its not all party party party.... Ohhh nooo.
I've managed to get sightseeing in wherever and whenever possible...
Our home port of Viareggio is truly beautiful

True to form the Italians love their pizza and ice cream here!!! (PS: so do I!!)
Captured these kids all munching as one!

The yachts look even more stupendous when the sun is setting

and of course I've been here less than 1 month and they've decided to open a beach bar in my honour already...

We briefly visited Florence,

(I am still hankering after my own motorbike.. a legacy left over from my indian Enfield I think...)

Must admit, am not in anyway threatened by the Polizia...

between you and me I think they are there just to keep an eye on Gelati intake!!!!! (have I mentioned the Gelati yet?! It's worth a trip over just to indulge in their heavenly ice cream!!! Oh the gelati!!)

Before I sign off for another week or so of developing madness I had to point out that so far, true to form, there have been 2 sunday sessions..
One Vino Bianco..typico stylie!!!

which as ever ended in tears!!!

And one that went slightly left of the centre involving Pru's "special cookies"... hmmm

wipe out????