I feel like I've just completed the Tour de France...well more like The Tour de Thames
Goodness... now that was a whirlwind visit.. Have just got back on my feet after rushing home for my mums 60th.. and squeezing a few friends, babies and marriage moments in ALL AT once...
Thanks to all who made it on the Saturday.. and to all family who turned up on Sunday... and for the moments in between.. ALL of them special in their own little ways.. thank you..
So yeah here's the photo evidence.. God I think i've turned into a snappy jappy...
The fly-by started with a gentle bump into Gatwick met by Mum and Gran who both looked TIP TOPmy nan is rocking at 90 and I have a lot to live up to!!.. Mama had a better tan than me which in my eyes is illegal as I am the one swanning around the Med but as it was her bdayI let it pass.......
Then I burnt over to the Australian re connection in the house where i spent a lot of my childhood...with Gem, Baby Tyler

and Derek ..

Gem you are looking shit hot!! and your boys rock.. well done x
After that amazing but too brief a moment with the D'lemos's it was over to the predictable Richmond River debauchery..which ended up back at the "lost weekend" venue with the inevitable consequences..
All the motley crew showed up..

The lovely Sebby made an appearance which was tip top... (see you made it onto the website after all!!)
I totally enjoyed myself hope they all did...

Even Ems did a late show but a good turn up none the less with sis and boyfriend in tow.. and she was one of the last to leave as ever..

Another surprise guest was Julian..

The nerdalino 3 were reunited...

Alex, James..
both stars in their own right with patience of saints.. and neighbours from hell.. what a combination.. well done for putting up with me and the gaggle of madness that came with..

THEN it was quick sticks, 2 hours sleep, off to the country the next day for the point of my return, my mums 60th... unfortunately my camera taking skills foundered... but here are my two TOP cousins


(you are looking good girls sorry for cramping your style but your ageing and slightly hanging cousin needed you a bit that day!!)
and their dad, my Uncle John....looking daper..

if you look closely you can see Birthday girl in the background looking radiant.... the day was an excellent success.. even managed a speech with my Brother (first public together moment in about 14 years!).....!!!! everyone looked like they had a top time (must admit I drew a few blanks with the old "AMELIA!! Goodness we haven't seen you for a long time" with me not having a clue who they were!! and feverishly hoping they wouldn't ask me to introduce them to someone else!!! But I think I styled it out.. almost!)
Luckily this was followed by the best chilled night of curry, football and glorious sleep, much needed!!!
Monday became the day of babies.. I got to see Monty and Liliana... he is 16 months and looking so delectable I could've easily stolen him... and than i ran over to see Lou and the lovely Lila.. who proceeded to snooze on me the entire 4 hours i was there..

couldn't you just eat her....
Ella popped by with her 6 month bump and looked as radiant as ever.. Lou Lou Ella you both are amazing mamas.. a very humbling moment for me...
And then I retired with Beckalina and Lorna for Lamb (I've been craving it ) Red wine and lots of gossip..
Tuesday was a beckalina movie and snooze moment with bex (god I've missed them) followed by a drink on richmond hill, coffee with my two amazing cousins Olivia and Dani, where Glastonbury pacts were made for next year (by the way am entertaining the idea of bringing ambulance Liv!! if i can get her back on the road..) and they just amazed me with their growing coolness.
And of course then there was the England match.. after visiting Jo and Jay for a congratulatory roast chicken dinner for the first half (they just got married in France.. amazing it looked too!) I proceeded to meet others who couldn't make Saturday (and some who made it and just needed another excuse to party) Party we did and celebrate we did I nearly jumped into the TV screen when Gerrad got that 2nd goal, I offically LOVE the world cup!!!!..it all ended with me falling home in Hampton the next morning.. got to spend a nice day on twickenham river with my Gran and Mum then I flew back to Napels.... THE END....
I did mention it was FULL ON.... didn't I... honestly the crew saw a shadow of her former self when i returned.... Capitan was not impressed.. thank god Italy got through to the next world cup round.. the crew got so distracted with tension and the celebration they forgot to pick on me.. phew!!!
So as I type this I am in Croatia... I have gone round Sardinia (before i popped back to the UK) which is amazing...
def a hot spot in Europe.

It was an early start the next day as we headed over directly to Croatia...we were supposed to be meeting the owners in Venice.. but their plans changed.. we are hoping they'll come to Croatia... This crossing was amazing I got my long awaited, hotly anticipated moment, where I find myself in the middle of the sea no land in view, the wind blowing and the sun blazing.. it did help that England qualified for the quarter finals just as we were cruising across the Adriatic sea pulling closer to the Dalmation coast,
and I went slightly crazy doing laps of honor on the top deck screaming adulations to David Beckham...(not sure the Croatians liked me rubbing their faces in it... oh well!) Definitely a moment for the memory banks.. looking forward to the caribbean crossing on a sailboat!!! bring on weeks at sea with no land... hopefully I can replace the joy of David Beckhams goals with whales and dolphions.. but that's a long way off....

So it feels like it's been mad-rush, mad-rush-rush of late.. which is why I don't feel even the eenseeiest guilty when i tell you I spent this afternoon jumping off rocks and sunbathing.. HERE.....

Chris, Greg, Andy, Rich.. remember this special place...??

think the plan is to stay in Croatia until end of July then we zoom back to Southern France with an Ibizan possibility for August... but the owners seem to be as relaxed as me when it comes to firm plans so who knows....
I'll sign out now but I do want to say lots of "I'll come and visit.." were thrown at me this trip back.. all I can say is you are all welcome mi casa/boat tu casa..... you know.. just put your whatever where your mouth is and come and have some fun with me in France or Italy or wherever the hell I end up... Lou September France lets do it, Lorna Bex you know that bday weekend will occur in Oct, Liam get your bum over here and the rest of you go on, you can do it.... DON'T BE SHY.......
Oh yeah and...