Phewy! I broke free, and got away from all that BLUE ICE madness sharpesh!! Ok so maybe there was a tad of pushing from their side.. But hey when you get told "no-one on board likes you" and your only lifeline (bar Grandpops) turns cold... you gotta go man you gotta go.. and go I did
It ended - and I won't go into details to save face - in a BANG in Cannes! I ran like the wind over to my old mate Yves Marie in Montpellier, he put me up, entertained and counselled me for 2 days. If ever you get the chance you must visit this area( it is unreal!! I spent a dreamy 2/3 months there after my India adventures back in 2001 and this last 2 dayer just reminded me of how wonderful south of france is - forget St Tropez... Montpellier all the way!
With the sun on back my I hop, scotched and jumped over to my old haunt in Le Lot.. didn't get to stay with my sheepy's but did spend some quality time with Ria and Rob in their tranquil house and a few crazy sleepless nights with Mia - guardian of my amabulance, hyperactive insomniac and my bezzy mate in France....

It was like a dream come true after cabin fever madness I found myself spending a week with interesting people.. who wanted to chat.. drinking Rose wine slowly, leisurely, enjoying it and eating amazing french food..

Afternoons found me either cruising the local markets or lounging in Rob and Rias pool getting Tanned up!!! I even managed to discover a new lake in the area which was divine!!!

Refreshed and ready for the UK return I sped back to the UK and hid in my mum's house.. That sort of brings me up to date. It's been another month of the classic "Tour de Thames" with me running all over London visiting people, seeing new babies, celebrating brithdays and of course having the legendary Sunday roast with beckalina

- we've managed Pork and Lamb so far and I'm not leaving yet so am hoping for at least a Beef, Chicken and Duck - just to ensure i get the full effect!
Don't you just love her little casita...

During all this madness I've been hunting around for a new job.. with an interview in Germany and Barcelona next week things are looking positive!!! Hopefully I'll be on a new (friendlier) boat hot footting it over to the Caribbean before you all know it!
And if that wasn't enough me and Beckalina thumbalina are off to Rome this arvo for a weekend of fun and culture.. I am determined to prove to myself that not all Italians are like those horrid ones on Blue Ice.. watch this space!!
Cia for now!!