Worse things happen at sea..... (God I hope not.)
It all begins 20th March 2006

Yup I set off on 20th March to work on THIS 41m Russian owned boat crewed by Italian's, working the Mediterranean for the summer
Blue Ice is her name..
she's currently out of the water in Viareggio in Italy, having the finishing touches done before we set sail in May.
Inside isn't all set up yet but its very Zen like

and bloody huge as boats go..

With little friends hidden around the place to keep me company ...

I had hoped this would be my bed size....
but alas... no, I get this little ole match stick
Welcome to the chill out area (a.k.a crews mess!) Note the Italian calenders.. with World Cup coming up I know I have some serious male contenders for that wall space!!!!

but one can't complain, I have weekends off and have managed to sample some local sights


and even a little of their politics (think we could learn from their guerilla marketing...!!)

Roll on THE CHIANTI!!!!!!!!
Just incase you were a little worried I did partake in a week long safety course at Southampton Maritime Centre, before I embarked on this crazy new line of work.. I learnt how to be a firegirl, abandon ship and stop bleeding wounds with the following guys from customs and excise!!!!!

they also taught me new words...

And gave me a new nickname of.. Lip... not quite sure why!?

It all begins 20th March 2006

Yup I set off on 20th March to work on THIS 41m Russian owned boat crewed by Italian's, working the Mediterranean for the summer

Inside isn't all set up yet but its very Zen like

and bloody huge as boats go..

I had hoped this would be my bed size....

but one can't complain, I have weekends off and have managed to sample some local sights


and even a little of their politics (think we could learn from their guerilla marketing...!!)

Roll on THE CHIANTI!!!!!!!!
Just incase you were a little worried I did partake in a week long safety course at Southampton Maritime Centre, before I embarked on this crazy new line of work.. I learnt how to be a firegirl, abandon ship and stop bleeding wounds with the following guys from customs and excise!!!!!

they also taught me new words...

And gave me a new nickname of.. Lip... not quite sure why!?

Trials and tribulations of a girl who likes to HAVIT!! Luv what ya doing meals... haven't laughed so hard when i saw beckalina wrapped up like a little christmas tree... stay well and stay safe
Andy xx
hi was just browsing through..
saw Cavalli's boat and stuck around for a bit..
You have/had a Bullet? Been down to Goa ever?
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