My oh my.. Yet again a city I have fallen in love with …..!!! Its been an amazing last few weeks (as ever) - and god how its flown by…
I’ve arrived on my new boat
getting accustomed to the real yachty life - not the fake malarky those Italians tried to blag me off with this last summer! Yup I’ve got a professional boat to get my head around, fire safety briefings, serious structure to work (hoorah!) and a crew who are feeling as each day goes by
more and more like a big family than work colleagues!!
And yes there have been yacht bar moments (they do exist!!) and a dock party that should be forgotten by me and most of its attendants.. Let alone all the Barcelona madness which has taken my heart in so many ways! And I think I'm only in week 3 right!!!
Words aside Barcelona in the day has proven itself as one hell of a city - love him or hate him Gaudi is genius!

Bex and I came here one new year a while back and we had a blast… this 2nd time round has just confirmed its number one city rating for me.. Not only is it aesthetically beautiful ,
(always look up)
and down
(even the pavement is decorated)
the people are stunning and friendly (I have made some amazing friends here!)
but the nightlife blasts the doors off any London moment I‘ve had recently!!!

from classics
to mad art
to beach bar fun
(Does he look like Valentino Rossi or is it just me?)
this place has it all… I stand by a recent text I sent stating: that if the proverbial shit hit the fan for me in this yachting world I move in, and my plans were scuppered, then I would head straight to Barca to set up shop and make my life…
But touch wood, or whatever the marine equivalent is, it hasn’t hit the fan yet (bar a small warning to slow my Barcelona fiestering down by el capitano!!!) and for now I am working through my probationary phase with my first, of hopefully many, "Callisto" sea adventures coming up..Yup I’m off to the high seas!! I write this from Mallorca after a tearful farewell leaving the wonderful Barca I had my first Callisto sea voyage which was GREAT!!! 10 hours later we arrived in Palma Mallorca.. I have spent a good few days and nights here checking out the old town bumping into some crazy english dudes (and one scotsman)

have definitely found some choice spots over here tip top tapas and cocktail bars a go go, the old town is just superb! We 've been trying to get on our merry way for a few days now but weather has stopped us and low and behold on our final lets get out of here move gear box trouble sent us back into port with our tail between the preverbial. Anyhoo think we are set (should I not speak too soon) to sail off from here tomorrow (Saturday morning) arriving near my old stomping ground Gibralter Sunday night for a re fule then its go go go to Gran Canaria for some more fuel and then crazy sailing direct to Barbados...
AAAHHH just typing it gives me a buzz of excitement.. I’ve heard discussions of tuna fishing, whale spotting and just the thought of sea all around for days is almost too much for me to contain!!
What’s more, my lovely friends, its my good ole 29th coming up (HINT HINT - 5th Dec - HINT HINT). For the first time in what feels like forever, but it's probably only been about 3 years, I feel so excited at the prospect of celebrating it.. I believe we will be arriving in Antigua around the 10th so will 1000 miles from land on the day itself. But good ole captain Chis, who is celebrating his on 9th Dec, has promised a joint party affair once we’re settled in - (mmmm I’m getting visions of live reggae sunshine and rum!!!!!!! - did I mention I was excited??)
So that’s me up to now I will be probably writing again from over the pond.. Wishing you all my winter warmlyness and please hope and pray for me that a “Dead Calm” situation doesn’t occur out there in the big blue (must remember its MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY) and that if we do encounter Pirates they are more of the Jonny Depp style than sadistic ruffians. Although.. maybe that wouldn’t be so so bad!! hehe
Adios compadres x
(Gracias Carino)
1 comment:
ola linda me gusta mucho las fotos y mucho mas a ti saudades carinho
te extranho
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