Caribbean Dreamin' !!!
I am slack slack slack and have so much to report.. There have been 2 more charters (very successful) - an amazing meet up with a good friends mum and the long hankered for Colombian holiday - mix all that up with some serious exploring, diving, running amok on other boats and a bit of Beach Boys for fun-I kid you not - and that about explains my last 2 months!!
Anyhoos back to the past 2 months our last charter (The English guys) had a few moments of madness involving the now infamous Alpine Ski Club night which included all and sundry donning ski outfits (yes in the Caribbean night!!) a flaming Sambuca bar, our special guest the Jacuzzi and general raucousness. As well, of course, as some good service for the guests.. They were extremely happy, we were nearly sacked!!
After some serious grovelling - and some well earned telling off - we were given a few days off in St Lucia.
After some serious grovelling - and some well earned telling off - we were given a few days off in St Lucia.

But sure enough we had to move on, we picked up another charter in Guadelope and after a week of hard but rewarding work (I got to work on the dinner service which was really interesting) we landed in St Thomas the US Virgin Islands. It was a frenzy as its tax free shopping there and we were all tip laden. I managed to get a few things I really needed and even more goodies I probably didn’t need.
I also managed to help christen a newly purchased boat - by witnessing its stern deck blow up!!!!! No Joke after meeting this rather happy new boat owner
So after shopping, sunsets
Firstly, I am in the vicinity. Secondly, it has been nearly 7 years since I last visited there and since that stupendous discovery I have been boffing on to anyone who will listen that I want to move there. It felt only right to check the place out just in case I had over romanticised the memory. At times I have been known to exaggerate, just a little! And also, on a practical note, I needed to double check things hadn’t changed drastically. So yeah that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!! Colombia it was and my oh my what an amazing moment I had!!! 1 week was definitely not enough but it was just the little taster I needed .
I took myself off to Taganga

Just to add to the mix and in true Amelia stylie I met up with a guy who is good good mates with my cousin back in Malta who also just happens to be a dive instructor in Taganga!!!! Small world!!!!!
Bottom line is Colombia is still the mother land. From the moment I left Miami, Colombia bound, I knew it! The people are so friendly, so open, so welcoming! The music is everywhere and so lively, full of passion, really part of the way of life. And if all that wasn‘t enough the countryside is bloody beautiful. So I am still going to be boffing on to anyone who will listen that Colombia is the place where I will try make a go of it!! Focus. Focus. Focus!!! Watch this space…
On my reluctant return to St Thomas our marina had its official re-opening with The Beach Boys headlining!!!!! Desperate for live music of any sort I popped along

So I am currently cruising the The Bahamas. We have the owners on board for a month and so far all is going well! The work is cool I’ve integrated into the team and the owners seems to gel with me (they are from London! Hearing them chat is definitely making me more homesick than usual) . Following that we head to the USA for 2 weeks then a hop skip and jump back over the pond to the Med. Should be over that way in about 6- 7 weeks if all goes to plan! I am hankering for some home time but only time will tell!
It did occur to me the other day how lucky I am with this job - on my break I was sunbathing out on the bow as we were sailing to another anchorage in The Bahamas, it was a wonderful moment. I don’t always appreciate where I am or what I have. This environment is a strange one and can take its toll on your mental health - working and living in a confined space with the same 17 people for 5 month is intense- it’s like the real real big brother! I remember going to work in central London and passing all those houses on the train, all those lives and social networks thousands if not millions of people daily - having interactions with so many people on the street, in the shops, at work, at home, on email, on the phone. Contrasting that to here where we have us, 17 of us, sometime guests but rarely… yes we do dock at times in marinas but again a lot of our days are at sea.. It’s like my interactions, my involvement in the world, has been shrunk.. Like my world has been shrink wrapped!!.. It can be very intense - you have to try and keep your head focussed - your perspective clear! That’s why those moments of realisation - of how lucky I am - are so important….
I think that was !!!!!!
And yeah that’s me in a nutshell..
Hope all is well with you, my public,
I’ll be back in touch soon Until then….. xx
Love it! Always a facinating read. So glad to hear that Columbia was all that you remembered it to be. Definitly coming to visit Columbian guest house, espresso martinis await us.
Awesome photos, yes you are lucky and in an insane place. Looking back in ten years time your life will be the best story ever with all of the adventures you've had. Someones going to be very lucky to be your grandchild at story
Amelia you are a 21 carot nutter. WOw...have to say i am touch envious of all your travelling sounds like your having a fantastic time / fair play to ya!!!
Lovve Always
Dom the bloke you met in Si Pha DOn / Laos
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